Tuesday, May 19, 2009


Kind Editors,

My insignificant idea can be truly appreciated only by those who have suffered the lifelong social deprivation that is the agony of the only child. My true brothers and sisters.
My father was a traveling salesman given more to travel than to sales. Mother was a delicate creature with nerves like bone porcelain. I was the only spawn of their union, a scrawny, nervous child much given to hiding in the cedar chest. It was there in moth free splendour that I first concocted a vision of my proposed idea--the Automatic Jump Rope Turner.
Imagine...jump rope for all children,not just those with two friends. Even now I can remember the many hours I spent crouched in the chest dreaming of what my sorry life would be like with this wonderful contraption. Why I'd have learned all the chants and all the tricks and become a regular jump rope marvel. How different things might have been. Sometimes I still climb in my sweet smelling childhood retreat and dream about it.
Thank you for allowing me to share my dream. I stayed up most of last night trying to sketch my invention, but it was flawed...flawed. I could not send it for publication. Perhaps sometime in the future. I adore your publication.

Very Truly Yours,
Miss Deirdre Fennerty
Charleston, North Carolina

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